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Kingsley City Council Minutes — October 7, 2019

Kingsley City Council
October 7, 2019

The Kingsley City Council met in regular session on October 7, 2019 at Kingsley City Hall. Mayor Rick Bohle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Councilmen Rolling, Bohle, Jasperson and Mathers. Peters was absent.

The agenda was approved on motion by Bohle, seconded by Jasperson, all voted aye, motion carried.

Minutes of the September 10, 2019 meeting were approved on motion by Rolling, seconded by Bohle, all voted aye, motion carried.

Public Forum: Rick Bohle spoke on behalf of Chris Hagan concerning possible no parking in front of his building on East 2nd Street.  The situation will be monitored. Dead-end street sign for Rutland Street was discussed and will be put up.

Maintenance Report: Doing numerous locates for the fiber optic project, mow cemetery one more time and fall spraying.

The following list of bills was approved on motion by Rolling, seconded by Jasperson, all voted aye, motion carried.

Absolute Inspection, nuisance letters    936.09
Absolute Inspection, inspections/citations    1,073.06
Amazon, Lib books & supplies    383.57
AT&T, police phone/tablets..195.60
Baker & Taylor, Lib books    630.27
Bottjen Implement, disc mower pin    34.21
Carol’s Kitchen, food for public Lib meetings    133.75
Casey’s, Amb gas    173.23
Certified Amb Group, Amb billing    186.98
Chet’s, supplies    17.66
Clark’s Hardware, supplies/appliance disposal    584.74
Deb Jantz, ins reimb    164.70
Demco, Lib supplies    185.93
First Co-op, gas    634.13
Glen Hayworth, pizza for public Lib meeting    107.54
Hawkins, water chemicals    1,532.03
Indoff, paper & toner    252.99
Industrial Chem Labs, lift station degreaser    222.11
Iowa DNR, water use fee    95.00
Iowa One Call, locates    37.90
Ipers, Ipers    3,421.60
IA Dept. of Revenue, 3rd qtr WH    3,606.00
IRS, Fed/Fica    5,364.21
JJSS, jetting    560.00
JoEtte Hiemstra, mileage EMT conference    117.03
Keith Bohle, mileage    56.40
Kingsley Fire Dept., software reimb.    600.00
Kingsley Post Office, water bill postage    160.72
Kingsley Vol Amb, September runs    1,840.00
Kingsley Vol Amb, meal stipend    750.00
KMEG, advertising    1,350.00
Knife River, blacktop Barre, Brandon, Tilden, Bayard    68,009.27
KPTH, advertising    200.00
Kuchel Plumbing & Heating, Library outside unit    3,528.00
Lammers, parts    302.46
Lewis Drug, Amb supplies    110.36
Linda Betsinger McCann, Lib speaker    75.00
Lumber Pros, plywood    83.32
Matheson, Amb oxygen    457.15
Metering & Technology, 4-1” meters, 5-M70    1,577.82
MidAmerican, utilities    5,834.29
NW Iowa League of Cities, dues    25.00
O.C. Sanitation, porta-pot rent    161.90
Ply Co Solid Waste, September tonnage    5,741.47
Presto-X, pest control    106.00
Quill, ofc supplies    189.66
Rick Bohle, September expenses    100.00
Rolling Oil, gas    504.20
Sanitary Services, dumpster rent    69.50
Sanitary Services, 2nd  Qtr garbage as billed    18,920.00
Sanitary Services, 3rd Qtr garbage as billed    19,030.00
Sioux Sales, police shirt    76.90
Steve Jantz, reimb. cell phone    50.00
Thompson Innovations, water treatment fix    185.00
United Healthcare, Health ins premiums    5,761.65
UPS, shipping charges    53.80
Verizon, Amb hotspot    20.44
Vicki Sitzmann, ins reimb & Amb hotspot    178.00
Walmart, desk pad    21.97
West Des Moines Library, lending fee    10.00
Wiatel, phone/internet    642.56
WIT, BLS instructor renewal    75.00
Acco, pool winterization,     1,841.60
Loren Hansen, reimb amb payment    107.91
Mangold, water & sewer testing    875.00
Plymouth Co. Abstract, The Record, publications    253.96
Total    160,476.28

Paid from Library Special Fund:
TEI Landmark Audio, audio books contract    1,200.00
Cengage Learning, Lib books    191.02

Total Expenses by Fund: General, 29,626.24 Road Use, 8,006.90; Employee Benefits, 8,163.60; Local Option, 4,000.00; TIF, 4,500.00; Library Spec Inv, 221.81; Fire Dept Spec, 3,361.60; Ambulance Spec, 0.00; Fire Truck Spec, 0.00; Debt Service, 0.00; Perpetual Care, 0.00; Water, 11,668.48; Sewer, 4,565.94; Lagoon Sinking, 0.00; Solid Waste, 7,671.45. Total: 81,786.02.

Total Revenues by Function: Charges for Services, 40,200.03; Operating Grants, 42,483.69; General Revenues, 77,274.08; Transfers, 0.00. Total: 159,957.80.

Treasurer’s Report was approved on motion by Bohle, seconded by Mathers, all voted aye, motion carried.

Police report was distributed.

Fire Report: Chief Huth reported they had six calls in September. Three were assisting other departments and one ambulance assist.

KMEG/KPTH advertising representative Stacy Ratkiewicz was present to talk to the Council about the business sponsorships of city advertising with their television stations. New commercials will be produced and she will be visiting with individual businesses about advertising.

Ordinance #246
(Raise sewer rates from $15.00/month to $17.00/month effective July 1, 2020; then raise from $17.00/month to $19.00/month effective July 1, 2021; then raise from $19.00/month to $21.00/month effective July 1, 2022)

was introduced for the second reading by Rolling, seconded by Bohle. Motion by Rolling, seconded by Bohle, to approve the second reading. Roll call vote: Rolling, aye; Bohle, aye; Jasperson, aye; Mathers, aye. Motion carried.

Ordinance #248
(Water line must be capped at the main when demolition of building takes place)
was introduced by Bohle, seconded by Rolling. Motion by Bohle, seconded by Rolling to approve the second reading. Roll call vote: Rolling; aye; Bohle, aye; Jasperson, aye; Mathers, aye. Motion carried.

Ordinance #249 (Weight limit on streets) was taken off of the agenda.

Jerry Ahrens, a member of the ambulance crew, talked with the Council about purchasing a new AED for the police department. Cost will be 1,377.64. Motion by Bohle, seconded by Jasperson, to approve purchase. All voted aye, motion carried.

Reimbursement request from the ambulance crew for Phone Response System software in the amount of $600.00. Motion by Rolling, seconded by Jasperson, to reimburse both the ambulance dept. and the fire dept. in the amount of $1,200.00 total. All voted aye, motion carried.

Motion by Bohle, seconded by Rolling, to approve the appointment of Gene Moser to the Library Board, all voted aye, motion carried.

Motion by Bohle, seconded by Rolling, to purchase seven, five-foot round tables and storage cart for the Community Center, all voted aye, motion carried.

Proposal from Bohle Construction to remove trees and stumps on the walking trail between Rutland and Clarendon is $11,000.00. Cost will be split 50/50 with Arlene McDermott. Proposal was accepted on motion by Mathers, seconded by Jasperson, all voted aye, motion carried.

Tennis court lighting was discussed. Improvements will be discussed when tennis court is renovated. Discussed having cameras installed on the park grounds. Jasperson will talk with Heath Mallory of Wiatel about doing this. Prices for LED replacement lights will be sought.

Building permits: Dollar General, retail store; Thomas Jagodzinske, house

Adjourn on motion by Jasperson, seconded by Bohle, all voted aye, motion carried.

Rick Bohle, Mayor

Vicki Sitzmann, Clerk

Published in The Record
Thursday, October 17, 2019

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